Using the Hardingstone History site.
  • As well as providing details about the History Society, we hope that this site will be used as a history 'Warehouse' and source of reference for historical information, documents and pictures relating to the village.
  • A 'Topic Index' has been created to provide a heirarchical index to information on the site. At the top level (Level 1) there are 5 principal categories: History, Village Life, Fabric, Environment, and People.

  • Sub-sections of the principal categories are known as 'topic items'. When more information on a topic is available, the topic description is preceded with a '*' or '>' character, indicating that they are 'extended topic items'. The additional information may be in the form of a 'tooltip' (*), or tooltip and link to other pages (>).
  • Topic items are displayed at lower levels(2 to 5) of the index in a series of coloured boxes as in the following example:

  • Allowing the cursor to rest (hover) on an extended topic item will generally produce a brief descriptionof the topic, shown  as a 'tooltip'. See what happens if you hover over the Claire Apiaries topic above.
  • When a topic item serves as a link to more information about the subject, it is said to be an 'active topic'. At present there are only a few active topics, but with your help we can we can improve on the volume and accuracy of data on the site, and will gradually be able to extend the number of active topics.

  • Active topics can be identified by a '>' preceding the description:

    Can you help us ?

  • We want this site to be an accurate reference to as much historical information about the village as possible, so please tell us about anything that we have got wrong or omitted. Our sources of material are quite limited, and we would appreciate any help that you can give by supplying historical material, especially photographs with any supporting detail. This site is for the whole village - the History Society is just facilitating it.


 Village Life
  * Claire Apiaries (Hardingstone Lane)

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